I've been wanting to work with some of the methods of Seminole piecing that I learned about in the 1980s, as I haven't experimented with the methods since 2016. I can't find the book I had in the eighties about the subject, so this is definitely an experiment and a design-as-you-go project.
Seminole patchwork is sewing strips of different fabrics together; then sub-cut, inverted, and/or rearranged to create geometric patterns that were then used as design elements in their clothing. Their technique in patchwork first appeared around the turn of the 20th century -- they were certainly innovators for their time!!
An example from my quilt:
THE STATS: Rusticity, 2024, 30"x32", Machine Pieced, Machine Quilted.
The colors and patterns of fabric I have chosen crosses over between Rustic and Urban; thus, the name Rusticity. Rusticity is an interesting word combining two opposite implied words -- rustic and city; rustic relating to countryside and rural, and city indicating inhabited place. I'm in no way a student of words, but I surmise the juxtaposition of the two words was not intended by a lexicographer. Never the less, that juxtaposition of the word intrigues me.