Wednesday, February 2, 2022


This is an older quilt made in 2001 with some of my favorite words written on it.  I ran across it in my attempt to document in photos some of my older quilts.  The words still resonate in me today 20+ years later.  Some of the words are just fun on the tongue; others have deep meaning for me and in my lifestyle.

There is a word for each letter of the alphabet:  aubergine, brilliancy, chocolate,
detail, eclecticism, family, grace of God, hospitality, integrity, justice, kitsch, liberty, mementos, naptime, observation, porcelain, quilts, remembrance, solitude, triptych, unemcumbered, vintage, wintertime, xanadu, yard goods, and zephyr.
Photographed on the steps of my childhood, hometown library.

The Stats:  "ABC Delight", 24"x27", 2001, Machine pieced, hand inked, hand quilted.

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