Wednesday, March 12, 2025


Twenty years ago, each of our grandchildren made and painted a bird house with the help of their Papa.  These have always hung in the cherry tree outside my sewing room window.  I always know that Spring is on its way when the birds start to show up to stake out their individual real estate.  

It also signals me to make a Spring-type quilt.  I found in my stash scraps of this birdie fabric.  It took several small pieces to sew together the border for my "Bird Condo" quilt, but it seemed appropriate.

THE STATS:  Bird Condo, 2025, 33" x 33", Paper pieced, Machine pieced, Machine quilted.

Saturday, March 1, 2025


This quilt was inspired by a wool 'Penny Rug' that I made several years ago.  However, this quilt is made from small pieces of cotton fabrics from previous quilts.

THE STATS:  Loose Change, 2025, 33" x 33", Machine pieced, Machine applique, Machine quilted.

Wool Penny Rug, 2011

Wednesday, January 29, 2025


 A revisit to an old favorite --- a half log-cabin variation on point, but with a color palette that I'm not always comfortable using.

STATS:  Green Acres, 2025, 29" x 29", Paper Pieced, Machine Pieced, Machine Quilted.


The men in my family actually came west first in 1876, not in a covered wagon, but by train and stage coach.  However, I often think about the women who came west  traveling with their families and belongings by covered wagons.  They endured  long, unending distances often by foot adapting to the weather; taking care of their children; plus feeding the wagon train, all in unusual circumstances.  To have rest at night, the wagons would be circled to provide for some protection of the families and animals.  Their endurance was unbelievable; and unfortunately, some did not survive the arduous trip.  

There is something satisfying about making a quilt design that you woke up in the middle of the night thinking about ----  then to transfer that thought to paper and patterns including the seam allowances of pieces that match a 90 degree angle to a 60 degree angle, etc.  Next for me there is the dilemma of selecting fabric from the scrap bins to supplement the design without purchasing any new fabric.  My problem is always to have enough of one fabric to complete the pattern.  In the case of this quilt, I had to change my choices more than once, but I'm pleased and satisfied with the result!!

THE STATS:  Circle The Wagons, 2025, 28" x 28", Paper Pieced, Machine Pieced, Machine Quilted

Monday, January 13, 2025


While geometry is my primary inspiration for quilts, I equally enjoy playing with colors.  In this quilt, I'm reverting back to my 11-year-old self back in my grandmother's sewing room by playing with colored squares of fabric.

 When I've been working on other projects, I have been stockpiling 2 inch (1 1/2 inch finished) squares.  Now is the time to do something with them.  

There have been questions about how I do most of my work on just an old 1958 adjustable ironing board.  Guess I wouldn't know how to function any other way - it's easy for me to just swivel from layout/pressing to my machine.  I do have an old dresser to the left that I use for rotary cutting then lay them on the flannel board on the edge of my ironing board.  Simple is sometimes best!

THE STATS:  Color Play, 2025, 29" x 29", Machine Pieced, Machine Quilted. Number nerd report - 328 1 1/2" squares

Saturday, December 28, 2024


I've mentioned before that as a youth I wanted to become an architect; and was told that girls didn't do that in the 1950s.  I wasn't particularly prone to buck the system in those days; so I said okay, I'll do something else.  No regrets here; as the observation of architecture and structures continues to be a pleasant part of my everyday life and travels, a great avocation.  I especially enjoy the juxtaposition of the old and the new, plus the regal with the mundane.  What ties it all together is usually the geometry involved.   Quiltmaking is a great extension of that theory for me.

So, in this quilt I juxtapose a log cabin variation with an architectural triangle.  The  inspiration is from two buildings located in our town.

THE STATS:  Architectural Juxtaposition, 2024, 33" x 33", Paper Pieced, Machine Pieced, Machine Quilted, Ninety-three 3-inch blocks.

It's always interesting to me to see the pattern develop when the body design intersects with the border.

A very enjoyable project to make and photograph for my final 2024 project.

May your 2025 be full of creative endeavors.

Wednesday, November 27, 2024


I've had this design in my head for some time, and thought it would be perfect for the Minnick and Simpson new "Grand Haven" fabrics.  My quilts are usually scrappy in nature, but occasionally I splurge on several pieces of a collection. 

I have had questions about the fact that I don't purchase a pattern for my quilts. Reasons:   #1  Basically, I'm just too frugal in all aspects of my life.  #2  A commercial pattern, to me, takes the fun out of it; as I don't want to see the finished result pictured.  I like the journey to see how it turns out (good or bad).  #3  I enjoy trying to figure out how simple geometric units can be arranged to develop secondary patterns.  

I begin my process with a piece of graph paper, and start by drawing a simple geometric unit or a traditional block.  Then, I just repeat and rearrange units until I achieve my perceived goal of the finished project.  I consider ease of construction; the importance of light, medium, and dark values; then the choice of different fabric motifs. Then, I enjoy drafting out my individual patterns and figuring yardage requirements (I'm a bit of a simple math nerd).  I am always open to changes of the original idea along the way.

This is part of my original graph paper drawing for this project.

THE STATS:  Star Path, 2024, 28" x 28", Paper pieced, Machine pieced, Machine quilted, fussy-cut.

Monday, November 25, 2024


I have been intrigued for some time with paper junk journals; always wondering if I could transfer some of the methods into fabric.  One of the construction methods was the idea of "slot and tab".  It was time for a new learning experience, so here we are ---


THE STATS:  Book of Folly, 2024, 6" x 6", Paper pieced, Machine pieced, Machine embroidery, Hand pieced, Cotton and wool, 12 book pages including the two covers.

The pages -- WARNING -- picture overload ----


The buckle on the belt fastener was from my grandmother's button box, and all fabrics were from my scrap bins.

I don't have the patience or words left to explain the "slot and tab" method.  If interested, you can google it!  I enjoyed making the pages; but, at times found this construction method using fabric cumbersome and/or confusing.  This project, for me,  was probably a "one and done" experiment.  However, I like the finished project!

Tuesday, November 19, 2024


In an effort to use up some of my fabric/scraps, I need to make more quilts!!!  In this effort, I thought I would make a new table runner to use with my pink transferware dishes.  I've had a yard of solid blue fabric around for probably at least 20 years; and, also, a bin marked 'depression era reproductions' left over from projects in 2001 and 2004.  I like pastel quilts with a black background; but since I had this blue I thought I would give it a try.  I think it kind of works???

It is always interesting to combine two different blocks to produce a secondary pattern.   I have combined a traditional pineapple block and a log cabin variation block in this runner.

I'm surprised that these fabrics marketed as 'depression era' fabrics are actually quite uplifting and charming.  That might have been their purpose to give the home sewer a reason to carry on in those depressing times.

THE STATS:  Nostalgia, 2024, 18" x 30", Paper pieced, Machine pieced, Machine quilted.

I was a depression era baby, and my baby quilt (a Sunbonnet Sue) contains very similar fabrics.  My baby quilt was made by my grandmother so I hope I have the "carry on" gene in my DNA.

Friday, November 15, 2024


As an octogenarian, I feel so blessed to have arrived into 'The Golden Years".  I'm  fortunate to still be able to do what brings me joy each day.  Among those blessings include being able to create quilts.  Due to age and health restraints; my methods have changed some what, but I hope my aesthetic has not.  I now only make smaller quilts, which I consider just 'idea quilts' -- quilts that I would make in larger scale if I didn't have physical limitations.  The quilts are basically simple; nothing too complicated and based on traditional frugality.  I've never claimed to be innovative nor particularly creative; but my brain keeps spewing out ideas, so I just keep at it!

One of the things I enjoy is finding the repeat of motifs in a piece of fabric; then repeating it and rearranging it in a quilt block, also known as 'fussy cutting'.  Time to enjoy that process again in this quilt.

THE STATS:  The Golden Years, 2024, 30" x 30", Paper pieced, Machine pieced, Machine quilted.