The men in my family actually came west first in 1876, not in a covered wagon, but by train and stage coach. However, I often think about the women who came west traveling with their families and belongings by covered wagons. They endured long, unending distances often by foot adapting to the weather; taking care of their children; plus feeding the wagon train, all in unusual circumstances. To have rest at night, the wagons would be circled to provide for some protection of the families and animals. Their endurance was unbelievable; and unfortunately, some did not survive the arduous trip.

There is something satisfying about making a quilt design that you woke up in the middle of the night thinking about ---- then to transfer that thought to paper and patterns including the seam allowances of pieces that match a 90 degree angle to a 60 degree angle, etc. Next for me there is the dilemma of selecting fabric from the scrap bins to supplement the design without purchasing any new fabric. My problem is always to have enough of one fabric to complete the pattern. In the case of this quilt, I had to change my choices more than once, but I'm pleased and satisfied with the result!!
THE STATS: Circle The Wagons, 2025, 28" x 28", Paper Pieced, Machine Pieced, Machine Quilted