Wednesday, March 12, 2025


Twenty years ago, each of our grandchildren made and painted a bird house with the help of their Papa.  These have always hung in the cherry tree outside my sewing room window.  I always know that Spring is on its way when the birds start to show up to stake out their individual real estate.  

It also signals me to make a Spring-type quilt.  I found in my stash scraps of this birdie fabric.  It took several small pieces to sew together the border for my "Bird Condo" quilt, but it seemed appropriate.

THE STATS:  Bird Condo, 2025, 33" x 33", Paper pieced, Machine pieced, Machine quilted.

Saturday, March 1, 2025


This quilt was inspired by a wool 'Penny Rug' that I made several years ago.  However, this quilt is made from small pieces of cotton fabrics from previous quilts.

THE STATS:  Loose Change, 2025, 33" x 33", Machine pieced, Machine applique, Machine quilted.

Wool Penny Rug, 2011

Wednesday, January 29, 2025


 A revisit to an old favorite --- a half log-cabin variation on point, but with a color palette that I'm not always comfortable using.

STATS:  Green Acres, 2025, 29" x 29", Paper Pieced, Machine Pieced, Machine Quilted.


The men in my family actually came west first in 1876, not in a covered wagon, but by train and stage coach.  However, I often think about the women who came west  traveling with their families and belongings by covered wagons.  They endured  long, unending distances often by foot adapting to the weather; taking care of their children; plus feeding the wagon train, all in unusual circumstances.  To have rest at night, the wagons would be circled to provide for some protection of the families and animals.  Their endurance was unbelievable; and unfortunately, some did not survive the arduous trip.  

There is something satisfying about making a quilt design that you woke up in the middle of the night thinking about ----  then to transfer that thought to paper and patterns including the seam allowances of pieces that match a 90 degree angle to a 60 degree angle, etc.  Next for me there is the dilemma of selecting fabric from the scrap bins to supplement the design without purchasing any new fabric.  My problem is always to have enough of one fabric to complete the pattern.  In the case of this quilt, I had to change my choices more than once, but I'm pleased and satisfied with the result!!

THE STATS:  Circle The Wagons, 2025, 28" x 28", Paper Pieced, Machine Pieced, Machine Quilted

Monday, January 13, 2025


While geometry is my primary inspiration for quilts, I equally enjoy playing with colors.  In this quilt, I'm reverting back to my 11-year-old self back in my grandmother's sewing room by playing with colored squares of fabric.

 When I've been working on other projects, I have been stockpiling 2 inch (1 1/2 inch finished) squares.  Now is the time to do something with them.  

There have been questions about how I do most of my work on just an old 1958 adjustable ironing board.  Guess I wouldn't know how to function any other way - it's easy for me to just swivel from layout/pressing to my machine.  I do have an old dresser to the left that I use for rotary cutting then lay them on the flannel board on the edge of my ironing board.  Simple is sometimes best!

THE STATS:  Color Play, 2025, 29" x 29", Machine Pieced, Machine Quilted. Number nerd report - 328 1 1/2" squares