Thursday, May 6, 2021


My cherry tree has been blooming gloriously all week, it's almost Mother's Day; plus it is throwback Thursday and time for a quilt I made in 2004 entitled "Mother's Kitchen".

I made it as a tribute to my Mother, who always worked outside the home beginning when I started to school.  Her kitchen was always cheerfully decorated, and we always spent time together there when she got home from work -- she preparing supper or folding laundry and I was talkative.  Plus, the cherries -- she always made a maraschino cherry and nut cake for my birthday!

You would think I was the tired one by the way
I am lounging; but Mother worked hard and 
always appeared this put together!

The Stats:  "Mother's Kitchen", 2004, 41"x41", Machine pieced, hand appliqued, and hand quilted.  The pattern appears in my book, Traditional Two Block Quilts book, pages 65-70.

I couldn't pass up a photo op with the quilt and a cherry tree blossom.

I was a biological mother before I became an adoptive mom.  At the time, someone told me that CARING not bearing made you a mother.  For all the caring individuals out there, may you celebrate a joyous Mother's Day.

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