Sunday, April 24, 2022


This is not my usual quilt project, but I needed a break from my ordinary.  I had my doubts about my ability to do a landscape collage, as my 6th grade teacher told me that I would never be an artist because I couldn't draw.  She said my cow looked like a pig! But, I was interested in experimenting with raw-edge applique, so I gave it a shot.

All of the fabrics came out of my scrap bins --- I wasn't going to spend any money on this experiment.

THE STATS: La La Land, 2022, 11"x14", Raw-edge machine applique, machine embroidery, machine quilted.

I won't explain the reason for the name. Let's just say that it came out of a long stay in a hospital with pain-medication dreams. 

I feel it is sometimes important to show my failures (or as I like to call them -- learning experiences).  Not a lot of success with this experiment.  What I learned:   #1  I will stick with traditional applique methods.   #2  A bad dream is not a good inspiration for a quilt.   #3  A good border can sometimes half-way redeem a quilt.  #4  It's a good thing that I remember not to include a cow on a quilt!

1 comment:

Dawn Embry-Rodriguez said...

A bit of humor is well appreciated as with showing what you call a learning experience. You've encouraged me to share some of my artwork 'failures' aka learning experiences.