Friday, April 8, 2022


 Most quilts are either "The Good, The Bad (colloquial for fabulous), or The Ugly".  This quilt definitely falls in the last category.  I have debated since 2016 if I should even finish it.  But then I envisioned it in the far distant future of a doctoral graduate student writing his/her dissertation on the world's ugliest fabric; and when it was researched, that fabric was hidden in this quilt.  So, in the interest of scientific research, I finished the quilt.  Here is my "Wild Child".

I thought the "fussy cutting" might help the quilt, but I don't think redemption happened. So, in the end, why not use the ugliest fabric in my stash for the binding?

THE STATS:  Wild Child, 2016-2022, 40"x40", Machine Pieced, Machine Quilted

Can you pick your favorite ugliest fabric?

 It's a lot more enjoyable to be a quiltmaker than a research scientist.

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