Saturday, September 28, 2024


I first envisioned this block to be in a quilt combining two different blocks to produce a secondary pattern, and it may still show up in that layout in the future.  However, I decided that these little gems needed to sparkle on their own; and have decided this time on a simple setting with a narrow sashing.  Sometimes simple is best.

THE STATS:  Diamond Sparkle, 2024, 30" x 34", Paper Pieced, Machine Pieced, Machine Quilted.  Number Nerd Report:  126 different fabrics used; 591 pieces total.

This quilt is of the type I enjoy making the most.  It involves frugality; all are pieces from my scrap bins (down to 1" wide); small (3 1/2" square) blocks; and muted colors (usually reproduction fabrics).  I like the challenge to use what I have on hand to make a quilt project (in this case, sewing together five pieces of fabric to make the backing). 

 I'm really fond of this quilt!!

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